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- Order number: TTB_RW_BR481
- Languages: German, English
- Version: 1.05
- Distribution: TrainTeamBerlin
- Release: 29.06.2020
Once, the distinctive face of the Berlin S-Bahn was shaped by squared-edged, drowning trainsets of the legendary "Stadtbahner". Since these trains became extinct around the turn of the millenium, the cityscape of Berlin changed as they were displaced by the new Class 481 trainsets: henceforth it's no more droning, but a buzzing and howling that sounds through the alleys of the city on mild summer evenings for about 25 years now. Meantime the city of Berlin cannot be imagined without the visual appearance and the acoustic pattern of the Class 481 EMU.
This addon is a must have for every fan of light rail traffic and especially the Berlin S-Bahn! It includes a complete route ("S25 southern branch": Berlin Potsdamer Platz - Teltow Stadt) together with scenarios and some AI trainsets for diversified traffic schemes besides the main content focusing on the Class 481 EMU. Numerous objects for developing scenarios complete the addon as usual.
Come with us for a journey through the south of Berlin: the 8 entertaining standard type scenarios impart some driving practice at first - and furthermore they tell some stories about former days, outstanding weather events, specialties of the Berlin S-Bahn ("shuttle traffic"), episodes from the life-in-service of the Class 481 EMU and not at least just about about the daily routine.
- Multiple models of the Class 481 EMU with numerous features
- 6 paintwork schemes delivered
- Delivery paintwork: yellow with red garnish elements
- Berlin S-Bahn "tradition paintwork"
- Advertising vehicle: Club
- Advertising vehicle: DDR-Museum
- Advertising vehicle: Donuts
- Advertising vehicle: Football
- original cabview with 360° panorama view and possibility to open side doors and get seamlessly out for ZAT departure mode
- detailed passenger perspective model (changing passengers, switchable lightning, animated LED text panel, closing doors with warning light, raindrops on windows)
- numerous script functions draw the vehicle near its original as far as Train Simulator allows it:
- Setup process with numeous steps close to original (automatic setup possible)
- speed pre-selection and cruise control
- Anti slip and anti slide system
- possibility to simulate defective traction modules including reduced traction force ("weight sailor")
- Brake calculator that manages and controls dynamic brake, ep brake, holding brake, emergency brake and forced brakings centrally
- spring brake as parkbrake
- change the cabview when changing driving direction near to original process
- three departure modes in scenarios that can be selected when creating them. Hundreds of narrated announcements prepare the trainset for operation on the whole network of the Berlin S-Bahn:
- Radio departure: station supervisor gives instructions dependent on the selected train destination display via radio. Includes station announcements for passengers.
- Zp9 departure: station supervisor gives instructions dependent on the selected train destination display via signal device. Includes station announcements for passengers.
- ZAT departure: self clearance by train driver - the player itself triggers particular ingame announcements. Numerous narrated announcements for this purpose as well.
- Tip: it's possible to add own voice packs.
- Passenger door control incl. door supervision and characteristic warning sound plus time shift door movement when closing doors
- Completely new passenger simulation: passenger exchange can be configured per station so that the trainset can be filled up to the last standing room.
- SiFa (vigilance) system with hand and foot push button. (handling via external hardware is generally possible)
- ATC system: "mechanische Fahrsperre", that is sensitive to trackside signalling elements
- Terminal screen showing several data: ingame clock, train enumeration with actual vehicle numbers, failure list and a lot more
- Completely new IBIS system that is used to control train destination display and station announcements of the passenger information system:
- Predefined vehicle tour lists for the whole network of the Berlin S-Bahn
- Possibility to add own tour lists
- Free choice of destination display: arbitrary combination of line and train destination as well as displaying special destinations or shuttle traffic signing
- station announcements when loading a tour list: hundreds of narrated announcements are delivered for the whole network of the Berlin S-Bahn.
- Automatic announcment forwarding via trackside triggers (that are already set up in thedelivered route)
- 3rd rail gaps: complete simulation incl. random sparks, short time reduced tractive force, terminal message and the characterisic sound of collector weaving in/out (necessary triggers already set up in delivered route)
- headlights, cab lightning, panel lightning, continuous instrument lightning, passenger area lightning
- multistage wiper incl. interval timer that can be modified contnuous
- sander with limited reservoir
- sun shade with snap switch
- new additional ingame information window that gives information on station departure modes and IBIS input data
- Complex original sound consisting of hundreds of sound recordings
- Configure your personal likings: frequency of occurrence of sparks and brake squeal and many more can be preset
- Language selection for ingame messages and log output. Possibility to add own language packs.
- Numerous trigger and parameter that can be used in own scenarios für controlling the special functions of the Class 481 EMU.
- The whole realisation was made with attention to detail (take the vehicle key from the backpack, flickering lights when turning them on, passengers can complain, …)
- Extensive manual with instructions for modders
- Route "S25 Southern branch" is delivered with this addon:
- Section of the S25 line: Berlin Potsdamer Platz - Teltow Stadt
- special triggers for using special Class 481 functions preset in route
- 2 Quick Drive scenarios including AI traffic
- 8 standard scenarios using original timetables including special operational situations and plenty of Ai traffic (Please note: an additional addon is required for playing them, c.f. system requirements)
- additional AI vehicles:
- Class 475 "Stadtbahner":
- detailed model that shows the state of a modernised former BVG trainset
- numerous photo-realistic rollband destination signs that can be preselected in scenario editor
- characteristic original sound
- Class 480 "Toaster"
- model of both series vehicles
- numerous train destinations can be preselected for display in scenario editor
- Animated cab doors and mirrors for simulating ZAT departure process besides animated passenger doors incl. warning light
- characteristic original sound
- Class 481
- additional models are delivered for use as AI trainsets that reduce ressource needs of traffic schemes
- numerous train destinations can be preselected for display in scenario editor. Two modes for setting sign that allow to display special destinations, shuttle traffic signs and free combinations of line and destination in AI mode as well
- Animated cab doors and mirrors for simulating ZAT departure process besides animated passenger doors incl. warning light
- characteristic original sound
- objects for scenario decoration: ZAT sign, Zp9/Zp10 signal device, Sh2 "end of track" sign, numerous construction work objects, specific trackside work objects and heavy goods vehicles
Hint: please pay attention to the information given in the manual of the addon that is available before purchasing and that is part of the product description. You can find the manual in the tab "Downloads".
- Windows-Version: Windows 7, 8 or 10
- TrainSim-Platform: Dovetail Games "Train Simulator Classic"
- Addons (mandatory): DLC "Europ. Loco & Asset Pack" (for Objects/Scenarios)
- Addons (optional): "Szenariopack Vol. 1" (for scenarios)
OR alternative
"Szenariopack Vol. 3" (for scenarios)
- CPU: QuadCore 3GHz or higher
- RAM: 8 GB or more
- Graphics board: 3D graphics card with at min. 2048 MB memory DirectX9.0c-compatible
- Sound card: gamer sound card
- HDD space: 1.7 GB
- Input device: Keyboard and mouse
Addon trailer:
TS 2020: "Die Baureihe 481"
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Let's Play by user "Think New Fly New":
ANTRIEBSSTÖRUNG | S-Bahn Berlin - BR 481 | ...
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Frage: | I have installed the addon but obviously there are missing vegetation objects. I already deactivated content for Train Simulator. What can I do? |
Antwort: | The route is using assets of the "Foliage Pack 01": this ist Train Simulator default content and has to be installed. If you deactivated TrainSim content ("DLCs"), please open Steam, change to your game library and right click on "Train Simulator 2020". Choose "Properties" and the tab "DLC" in the window now opening. Search for the entry "Railworks3 LegacyAssetsFoliage" - this one has to be activated for having installed the vegetation objects. |
Frage: | I get error messages concerning missing vehicles at the beginning of the delivered standard scenarios when I try to play them. What am I doing wrong? |
Antwort: | Please pay attention to the system requirements as there are additional addons required to play the delivered standard scenarios. The "Quick Drive" scenarios, the free roam scenario and the standard scenario "Driving lesson" won't be affected by missing addons. If you have one of the necessary ScenarioPacks installed but ongoing problems with theese error messages: the please download and install the latest update for your ScennarioPack addon. Furthermore it is possible tu suppress these error messages using "Ctrl" + "Q" on your own risk - you will be able to play the scenarios but you will have less AI traffic as well. Please note that there is no claim for support for possible scenario process failures when suppressing the error messages. |
Frage: | The sound begins to crackle after a certain time of gameplay. What can I do? |
Antwort: | Individual gamers report about this phenomenon. It's a problem with the audio driver of the used hardware in most cases. Mor information and approach to solving it (German): FAQ zum Thema "kratziger Sound". |
Question: | The doors on my BR481 player train are opening without me having given the command. What is going wrong? |
Answer: | There is no trigger for this in the addon - possible supporting factors have been removed in the latest update. In the very rare cases in which this bug still occurs, everything points to a bug in the main game in which AI trains trigger the opening of doors on the player train. If you are affected by the problem, proceed as follows: always start Train Simulator with the start parameter “-DontUseBluprintCache” (insert in Steam or your manually created Train Simulator Classics shortcut). Before you play a scenario, delete the program's cache (in the main game menu: Settings -> Tools -> Clear cache). This will restart the game - start the scenario in the freshly loaded Train Simulator Classic. Experiments show that this procedure can help. |
29.06.2020 | Version 1.0 | - First release |
30.06.2020 | Version 1.01 | - fixed several error messages in scenarios - more diversification in AI traffic scheme of Quick Drive scenario - Scenario "Driving lesson": tripping hazard when failing to unlock control switch lock with main key eased |
13.07.2020 | Version 1.02 | - Bugfix: passenger light can now be controlled via Terminal - Bugfix: BR482 Scharfenberg coupling doesn't flicker any more - Bugfix: gravel splines that covered S-Bahn tracks at Osdorfer Str station are corrected - Bugfix: BR481 & 482 - lower distance between door and warning light - Bugfix: BR481 DDR-Museum advertising -> roof around bellows corrected - new functionality "Ansage Bahnhof" in Terminal for manually triggering station announcements - cab doors no longer close automatically above 7 km/h |
13.08.2020 | Version 1.03 | Bugfix: Announcements Attilastr. (S2), Betriebsbhf. Schöneweide und Grünau (S46) corrected - Bugfix: Announcements for line S47 now working - Bugfix: written mistake in "Hermannstraße" corrected in IBIS and TDD - Bugfix: fixed several errors ins meshs of BR481 and 482: e.g. filled holes in vehicle body, closed gap between vehicle body and step tread - Modification: new TDD optic from photo templates for destinations: Flughafen BER, Schönhauser Allee, Greifswalder Straße, Hohenzollerndamm, Hohenschönhausen, Raoul-Wallenberg-Straße - Modification: Thresholds and intervald of SiFa requests adjusted from original information - Modification: only application of ep brake for emergency/forced brakings - Modification: showing only inverted vehicle number for masters state of leading vehicle in terminal - Modification: motor sound of class 475 KI made more concisely - New: remarkable more AI traffic (e.g. long distance services) in both Quick Drive scenarios - New: Quick drive scenario from Teltow Stadt -> Ride to track yard of Potsdamer Platz station possible - New: Cab door cna be opened/closed at every speed, low force locking makes it closing itself when exceeding acceleration/deceleration threshold - New: new bogie models for player train version of Class 481/482 |
23.07.2021 | Version 1.04 | - Bugfix: BR482 outside mesh fixed at inner door area - Bugfix: bellows changed and derailment tendency suppressed - Bugfix: repair of announcements - S2/Yorckstr and S5/Friedrichsfelde - Bugfix: terminal no more freezing in particular situations - Modification: fish eye effect in cabview and passenger view lowered, "standing driver" perspective added in timeline - Modification: battery switch and passenger light switch are now sensing devices - Modification: signal indicator Zp9/Zp10 showing signal Zp9 for longer time - New: preload consists for AI trains of BR481 (Ad versions, delivery paintwork, 481-mod) - New: modernised BR481 added as AI trainset ("BR481-mod") - New: introduced parameter for 0 passengers in AI consists & scenarios modificated - New: wrong road headlights red/white added - New: more line numbers usable in IBIS - New: priority loading of IBIS lists from scenario subfolder "IBIS" - New: introduced reserve tour numbers 87 - 99 with free destination choice (as a start only for S25) - New: several new sounds, u.a. horn, relais clicks in cab, cab fan |
08.02.2024 | Version 1.05 | - New: All vehicles with functional circulating roller blinds - New: Vehicle variants in traditional and original livery with fully functional line and destination roller blinds - New: All circulation numbers can be controlled for all lines - New: Reserve circulations (87-99) integrated - New: Ring lines can display "Ring" regardless of destination - New: Completely reorganized IBIS lists, more than 2000 selectable items in total - New: Integration of lines S15, S26, S31 ("Express"), S4, S6 and S86 into IBIS - New: Maximized routes for existing lines, among others S45-S47 and S9 (according to S-Bahn chronicle 2000 - 2024 + future extensions) - New: additional stations and train groups with corresponding displays and announcements - New: Extension of the ZAT, radio and platform announcements for departure according to the new IBIS lists (calling out specific destination stations) - Bugfix: "Ring bug" fixed, where multiple occurrences of stations led to problems in IBIS lists - Bugfix: fixed several station announcements not sounding (S2, S9) - Bugfix: fixed several non-selectable IBIS routes due to incorrect IDs |
You can find the data concerning this product right here. The main setup routine that is always up-to-date can be downloaded after purchasing the product in your personal account (by clicking on "Instand downloads" in the menu).